More on PNE and Fairpoint

I’m not the only one disturbed by the jump from PNE to Fairpoint and the lack of explanations. It’s become a concern for the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission. According to WMUR news, PNE was “suspended from the grid” in mid-February and customers were switched back to PSNH, the default provider. If this happened to me, I was never notified. I wrote to Resident Power that I wanted to switch permanently back to PSNH and got an informal email telling me this would happen; this makes me feel a little better but not much, since the response didn’t look anything like a business notification of a transfer of account.

It turns out that Resident Power isn’t a power company but “an aggregate company the pools together customers to get lower rates.” Its site does say so, but not in a way that makes the arrangement clear to people like me who weren’t already familiar with the concept.

Customers can call the PUC at 1-800-852-3793 to find out exactly what their options are, but finding out what their status is may take more work.

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